Notice of violation shall be given by regular mail, addressed to the owner(s) of record
as shown on the latest tax roll in the office of the county property appraiser. Said
notice shall be deemed complete and sufficient when a supporting affidavit is executed
affirming the date of mailing, that the notice was addressed to the owner(s) as specified
above and that the notice was deposited, postage prepaid, with the United States Postal
Service. The notice shall afford the lot owner twenty (20) calendar days from the
date of mailing to either abate the prohibited condition or appeal the county's contemplated
action in accordance with section 9-135 hereof. In the event the address of the owner(s) of record cannot be located for
purposes of mailing the notice, notice shall be accomplished by physically posting
the property. If posting is necessary to accommodate the notice requirements hereof,
the twenty-day period for abatement or appeal shall begin on the day immediately following
the day of posting. Said notice shall be deemed complete and sufficient when a supporting
affidavit is executed affirming the date of posting. In the event of a reoccurring
violation, said owner(s) shall have ten (10) calendar days from the date of mailing
or posting of the property, whichever is earlier, to either abate the prohibited condition
or appeal the county's contemplated action in accordance with section 9-135 hereof.