Osceola County |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 9-190. Management and use plans.
No later than forty-five (45) days prior to the date of acquisition, county staff shall submit an interim management plan for any property to be purchased, unless waived by the board. Upon approval by the board, the plan shall be implemented upon purchase of the property. Any such interim management plan(s) shall not be implemented for more than two (2) years after acquisition of the property. Prior to the expiration of two (2) years, a new management plan shall be implemented unless the board votes to continue with the interim plan.
A final management plan for each property acquired shall be prepared with the LCAB's review and input, shall be updated every five (5) years, and shall:
Identify such management activities as are necessary to preserve, enhance, restore, conserve, maintain, or monitor the resource, as appropriate; and
Identify such uses as are consistent with the preservation, enhancement, restoration, conservation, and maintenance of the resource; and
Estimate the annual capital and operating costs of managing the project.
Each plan shall be updated as needed and be reviewed by the LCAB for their input prior to submission to the board for approval.
The county may seek cooperative management arrangements with other agencies and entities, in keeping with the approved management plans and goals of the program.
Acquiring lands through this program permanently extinguishes all development rights, except those strictly compatible with the purposes and goals of this article.
(Ord. No. 04-28, § 10, 7-26-04)